We Forgot to Break Up – dir. Karen Knox/94min/Canada/2024
In the vibrant bar scene of Toronto, a diverse group of musicians come together to form a band with a mission: to ignite a musical revolution. As they channel their individual struggles and experiences into their music, ‘The New Normals’ create a dynamic, rock sound that transcends gender and orientation, captivating a changing world. But as they rise to fame, personal and romantic entanglements complicate their journey. ‘We Forgot to Break Up’ is a heartwarming and fiercely authentic story of music, love, and friendship in the indie music scene circa the early 2000s, as they strive to make their voices heard and forge an unshakable bond that transcends labels.
Featuring a soundtrack that includes Peaches, The Hidden Cameras, Veal, Thrush Hermit, Stars, The Dinner is Ruined Band, Gentleman Reg, Sloan, Cub, The Smugglers, Les Mouches, & Misstress Barbara.
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HOMe – dir. Kevin Lee Burton/2:54/Canada/God’s Lake Narrows HOMe is a four minute experimental video connecting the homoerotic with the land. Burton explores gay identity, Indigeneity, and rural living through images taken on his ancestral territory of God’s Lake Narrows, Manitoba.
We Forgot to Break Up – dir. Karen Knox/94min/Canada/2024
In the vibrant bar scene of Toronto, a diverse group of musicians come together to form a band with a mission: to ignite a musical revolution. As they channel their individual struggles and experiences into their music, ‘The New Normals’ create a dynamic, rock sound that transcends gender and orientation, captivating a changing world. But as they rise to fame, personal and romantic entanglements complicate their journey. ‘We Forgot to Break Up’ is a heartwarming and fiercely authentic story of music, love, and friendship in the indie music scene circa the early 2000s, as they strive to make their voices heard and forge an unshakable bond that transcends labels.
Featuring a soundtrack that includes Peaches, The Hidden Cameras, Veal, Thrush Hermit, Stars, The Dinner is Ruined Band, Gentleman Reg, Sloan, Cub, The Smugglers, Les Mouches, & Misstress Barbara.
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Community Sponsor: Yellow House Centre for Equity and Inclusion
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5M6 Canada + Google Map