Hanna leaves her family and her girlfriend behind to go to San Francisco. She dreams of exploring her sexuality way beyond what is possible in her small Swedish hometown. At a party in San Francisco she gets to know two experienced sex workers: Chloe, a professional domina with dreams of a better life and Cyd, a playful and shameless escort, selling sex to gay men.
Together with them Hanna embarks on a journey. For the first time in her life she starts to feel like she could belong somewhere. But staying in San Francisco is expensive. To be able to remain in the city Hannah wants to try sex work herself and starts working with Chloe.
Chloe and Cyd are at a different part of their journey, wanting to create more stable lives for themselves in a city that is rapidly gentrifying. There are both ups and downs to sex work for all of them and while Hanna is beginning to live the life she’s been dreaming of, there is something looming at the horizon.
Hanna’s new way of life doesn’t align with the values of her loved ones back in Sweden. But maybe her girlfriend will understand Hanna’s choices better after she comes to visit? And maybe if Hanna dares to be open to her parents they would actually become closer?
Labor dir. Tove Pils/95:00/SWEDEN/2023
Hanna leaves her family and her girlfriend behind to go to San Francisco. She dreams of exploring her sexuality way beyond what is possible in her small Swedish hometown. At a party in San Francisco she gets to know two experienced sex workers: Chloe, a professional domina with dreams of a better life and Cyd, a playful and shameless escort, selling sex to gay men.
Together with them Hanna embarks on a journey. For the first time in her life she starts to feel like she could belong somewhere. But staying in San Francisco is expensive. To be able to remain in the city Hannah wants to try sex work herself and starts working with Chloe.
Chloe and Cyd are at a different part of their journey, wanting to create more stable lives for themselves in a city that is rapidly gentrifying. There are both ups and downs to sex work for all of them and while Hanna is beginning to live the life she’s been dreaming of, there is something looming at the horizon.
Hanna’s new way of life doesn’t align with the values of her loved ones back in Sweden. But maybe her girlfriend will understand Hanna’s choices better after she comes to visit? And maybe if Hanna dares to be open to her parents they would actually become closer?
Watch the Trailer
Read more about the film HERE
Preceded by the short film:
In the boring afternoon after class, two boys play poker cards in this animated short.
Community Sponsors: SWAG (Sex Workers Action Group), SACK (Sexual Assault Center Kingston) and Trellis Community Care
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